Saturday, October 26, 2013

Venite Adoremus!

Venite Adoremus Belgique 2013  Enjoy this beautiful video that promotes the mission coming up in November, Please keep this mission and all who work on it in your prayers!!  There are many graces to come I feel! God bless you all!

More info?  Here!!  :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fatima and other things....

Hello everyone!  We are all excited about the Oct. 13th consecration of our Holy Father!  He will consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary again!  :)  I am so pleased that he entrusted his pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima, and now this!  Let us all join him that day and renew our own personal consecrations to the IH of Mary, visit your adoration chapel, take your children and pray for our Holy Father, for Peace in the world, and let's consecrate ourselves again to our Blessed Mother and to Jesus in service to His Blessed Sacrament!  Let us never tire of making Him more known and loved in the Holy Eucharist!  Please continue to keep us in your prayers for the big mission of Fr Antoine and Br Leopold in Belgium and the Netherlands in November.  They will visit over 30 parishes and schools!  We pray the tiny seeds will take root in the hearts of all these children they meet!  God bless you all!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pray for our next big mission ,please, in Belgium and the Netherlands!

Fr Antoine and Br Leopold will be leading children in adoration in 30 schools and parishes throughout Belgium and then 3 days in the Netherlands this November!  Please pray for those arranging this and those who will come to adore, for most children this will be the first time!  Also, we will be filming, recording and photographing all this in French and Dutch so as to make new DVD's to help spread the word in new languages.  God bless you for your prayers!!  :)  Oh, we also will have adoration at the Shrine of Blessed Edward Poppe in Moerzeke!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Children adoring in Lithuania

Please enjoy this video filmed while Father led adoration for children in 4 Diocese in Lithuania!  It is very beautiful to see!  Please continue to pray for the upcoming mission in Belgium and the Netherlands in November 2013!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Planning for the school year adoration times!

During the Summer it is a good time to think about adding times of adoration for school children to the calendar for the upcoming year!  I have found that most pastors and principals are open to this when approached with the idea.  :) There are many ways to make this fit into a school schedule.  For example: You can try to start with First Friday!  At our school we have "First Friday Devotion".  This is the one day of the week that the entire student body meets for "all school Mass".  On first Friday, just after Mass is ended, our pastor then brings Jesus in the Monstrance into the main body of church (carried from the adoration chapel that is attached to the church).  We then have adoration for around 15 minutes led by Father, meditation and a song, and then we pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart.  We close with Divine Praises and a benediction and father carries the Monstrance back to the chapel.  If you have never tried this a great day to start would be October 4th as this is the World Day of Prayer for children!  And, feast of our new Holy Father, Pope Francis! 

Other ways to offer are any day of the week that fits your school schedule and you can either have the teachers bring the students to the chapel if you have one, or make the church the chapel for the day and regular adorers can make their hour in there.  This helps as there are times when there is no class in there and this way someone is always there praying while Jesus is there in the Monstrance. 

An example for you is that our school offers First Monday Adoration day.  The students that day will come in with their class in a time that works for each teacher.  They are given a schedule to pick their time at the start of the school year and that will be their time each month for the year.  They come in from 9-11 am and 1-3 pm.  There are 3 20 minutes slots each hour.  Also, our 7th and 8th grade classes, now that they have been coming all these years, these children no longer need to be led in prayer, they are able to spend the time alone, and their teacher simply brings each class that day at the regular class time for religion!  Works great! 

The younger grades are led in prayer and song by volunteers, usually moms, who come for an hour each month to lead.  If you would like more info on making this work give me a call, or visit the Children of Hope website!  God bless you!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Always in need of prayers!

Hello all!
Sorry again for the long silence, getting the hang of posting has been a hard one for me!  I believe it is a better way to keep in touch with you all, I just don't get to it.  Going to try again!

Please keep in your prayers a big mission we are working on for Belgium!  Fr Antoine and Br Leopold will be in Belgium in November to help get this program going at many parishes and schools!  God is so good!  Please keep all those who are organizing this in your prayers!!  :)  Bless you all!