Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Childrens Adoration Video on Youtube

I put this together yesterday. It's made from lots of photos, lots of locations and being led by a brother of St John. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

7th Anniversary

Yesterday was a very special day for me! It was the 7th anniversary of beginning childrens adoration at my home parish of St Francis of Assisi in Wichita, Kansas. We began 02/02/02 at 2 pm! I can hardly believe it has been so long now. So many graces and miracles from these times of prayer with the children. I will write more this week about times from these hours but for today let me tell you of one precious memory from the first hour....

A young mother arrived with her 5 year old son, Alex, and said they were so happy to be there but would have to leave right after to get to another appointment and wouldn't have time to stop and talk. She thanked me in advance for getting this going, etc, and so we had our hour and when it was over we all left the chapel and I was surprised to see My friend and her son had gone back up to the front of the chapel and were kneeling in front of Jesus. Later she called me and said she had needed to leave to get to an urgent appointment but after it was over this little son whom she worried might not last an hour of adoration had turned to her while walking out and said, "Mom, can we stay a little longer? I'm not done talking to Jesus yet!" :-) She said, "How could I resist!"


Hope you enjoy this peek into the events from Catholic Schools Week in the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas last week. These are from St Peter's Schulte, Magdalene, St Francis of Assisi, and Holy Savior Catholic Schools. The Brother is Gabriel Thomas csj. God is good!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Catholic Schools Week

Well, sorry for the delay in really kicking this blog off! It has been an amazingly busy two weeks for me, first with the preparations and then the actual week of activities getting Brother to all the schools. Let me tell you a bit about what we did....

We plan each year to bring in a Brother to lead children at various schools in our Diocese of Wichita, Kansas. This year it was fantastic! Br Gabriel Thomas joined us and was able to lead over 2400 children in 5 whirlwind days!

The differences in the schools is amazing! Some, and actually most of the schools here have atleast one day per month where the children are brought in to the church for adoration. They are led by either parent volunteers or teachers. I will talk more about that in future posts. But for now I will show you a few pictures from this fantastic week here.... more later...... :-)