Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dear Friends,

Questions from Fr. Antoine to help one another deepen our insight on the Passion of Jesus-Christ

1/ Can we understand what the Mystery of Christmas is without finding what the Mystery of the Passion of Christ is?

2/ St Thomas Aquinas ask us: “Whether it was necessary for Christ to suffer for the deliverance of the Human race?

3/ “Whether there was any other possible way of delivering man?

4/“Whether it was the most suitable means?

5/ “ Whether it was fitting for Christ to suffer on the cross?

I encourage all the “searchers for truth” to spend some time researching the answers to those few questions which you can find in the Summa Theologica, Pt III-Q. 46

The positive effect will be to contemplate the mysteries of our salvation with our intelligence and heart instead of just going into the motion while attending the Liturgy of the Triduum!

God bless you all. Fr.Antoine - “ Father, consecrate them in the truth” (John 17) -

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The best intentions

I have hopes of getting to this to post and then....ah, life gets in the way! If you have any questions for Fr Antoine please comment and we shall try to get them answered right away. I hope and pray your lent is full of prayer, adoration and peace. You are all in our hearts and prayers each day. For all those who are trying to start adoration in their parish and schools and those who are trying to keep it going amidst the trials that come up. Believe me we know of these well and offer you all daily in our hearts and prayers. God bless you! Never give up! :) Eyes on Heaven!